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Sleep in Offshore Racing: How to Win the Challenge

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Naples: Three Gulfs Regatta. Photo by The Italian Gentleman

Offshore racing, those that involve sailing even at night, in addition to the challenges related to tactics and strategy, entail an additional commitment from the crew: when night falls, the issue of how much the crew should rest arises.

A real challenge that can be crucial because fatigue can impact the boat’s handling and the final result.

To better understand how to tackle nights and rest shifts, the Yacht Club Repubblica Marinara di Pisa has organized an evening with Professor Ugo Faraguna, a doctor and professor of neurophysiology at the University of Pisa engaged in studies on the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle.

On Thursday, November 23, at 9:00 PM, he will speak on “Sleep in offshore racing: how to win the challenge.” Faraguna and his team of researchers will share with sailing enthusiasts the inseparable connection between sleep, performance, and safety in the field of sailing.

The evening will begin with an overview of physical stress in sports activities and the crucial importance of sleep as a means of recovery. How can it positively influence the performance and health of athletes? The focus will then shift to sailing, a sport that engages physical and mental aspects in unique conditions.

The issue of performance and safety during races will be at the center of the discussion, highlighting how sleep management plays a key role in this context.

During the evening, the direct voices of sailors will also be featured through interviews sharing experiences, challenges, and personal strategies in managing sleep at sea: Cecilia Zorzi, Matteo Sericano, and Michele Puggioni. The scientific perspective on sleep in sailing and how sleep data on boats are collected through activity monitoring and sleep patterns will also be discussed, all aimed at optimizing performance at sea.

For further information, visit the website of the Yacht Club Repubblica Marinara di Pisa.

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